Monday, March 17, 2014

I know it has been a long time since I have posted on here.  I just don't have much time for the internet much these days.  Even my blythe dolls feel ignored.  I haven't been active in my blythe hobbie for quite some time. 

I have been employed for the last year and a half with a small bank.  Although I absolutely love my coworkers and have developed some great friendships there, I don't like working there.  The company is not a good company to work for. I could say so much more but lets just leave it at that. So recently I had enough and decided to buckle down on my job search.  I am pleased to announce that this is my last week at the bank!  At the end of the month, I will be working for a veterinary hospital.  I am taking on the position of Client Service Representative!  Now for those that really know me, you know how much I love animals, so I think this is the job for me!  Although I am a little nervous, I am very excited to start my new job.  This is going to be such a wonderful opportunity for me.  I will have so much to learn, but I am going to enjoy learning it.  I have truly been miserable at the bank, especially lately, so this is truly a blessing! 

I am taking a week off before starting my new job so during this time I plan to get some spring cleaning done and hopefully play with my blythes a little.  :)

Thursday, August 9, 2012

A Bee Tale

I went to the pool today with my mom and an amazing thing happened.  Well, at least I think it is amazing.   I am always scooping out poor bugs that accidently fall or fly into the pool.  I've always been one to save bugs and other critters from danger whenever possible.  Of course there are exeptions to the rule, such as mosquitos, ticks, fleas, and roaches.  Anyway, I saw a poor yellow jacket floating in the pool.  I scooped him out with my sunglasses.  He wasn't moving and his legs were crossed, you know, like how some dead bugs have their legs crossed?  Well, I laid him on his back and took my sunglasses and very gently pushed in on his abdomen a few times (hoping to squeeze out some water...I guess it was like bee CPR).  He never moved, so my mom and I thought for sure he had drowned and was dead.  I left him laying on his back in the nice hot sunshine and after several minutes, I swam back over to check on him.  I couldn't believe my eyes....his legs were twitching!  I told mom and she came over to see.  She couldn't believe her eyes either!  We watched him recover.  At first his legs just twitched for a couple of minutes, and then he actually started moving his legs and his head.  After several more minutes, he rolled over and stood up and began to clean himself off.  I knew he was going to be okay and would live to see another day to handle his bee business!  He eventually flew away.  I sure hope he tells all the other bees how I saved him and that some humans are their friends and to please not sting us.  LOL! 

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Ugh, still looking for a job!

I never realised just how time consuming filling out online applications is!  I've always had a job and this has been the first time I've ever been unemployed.  For those that don't know, the company where I worked for over 7 1/2 years sold the property, thus leaving the employees unemployed.   Over the spring and summer, I've been looking for receptionist or administrative assistant work, but so far there has been nothing open.  There just aren't many places hiring around here.  I don't have many weeks of unemployment left, so now I have to just find something, whether it is a job I want to do or not.  I've been filling out lots of online applications over the last few days.  I've applied at places like PetSmart, Petco, Kroger, Kmart, and Lowes.  I hope to hear from someone soon.  I am hoping that I hear from PetSmart or Petco because I love animals and would love to work in a pet store.   I've already submitted my resume to a few offices that were supposedly hiring, but I haven't heard anything back from them.  Next week, I'm going to give my resume to every veterinary clinic I can find, whether they are hiring or not.  Maybe I'll get lucky and find a place that needs a receptionist.  I wish I knew people in this area that could talk for me.  Since moving here in 2010, I don't know anyone, other than one of Recie's friends who lives near us.  My previous job was in a different town close to where we used to live, so I have yet to make friends up here because I never get the opportunity to meet people. 

I'm beginning to get a little worried that I won't find a job before my unemployment runs out.  I don't know if the state of VA offers extensions anymore.  I will have to find out if I haven't found a job soon. 

I'm not going to complain about being unemployed over the summer because I've thoroughly enjoyed the time off and I needed the break.  I've always worked terrible hours.  I worked the midnight shift for over 7 1/2 years on my last job.  I worked rotating shifts (7-3, 3-11. 11-7) for 7 years on the job before that one and we had to work 6 or 7 days a week a lot!  So yeah, having some time off was simply heaven.  But all good things must come to an end.  Wish me luck that I'll find something soon!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Behind on blogging, but having a fun summer!

I am so far behind on making posts to my blog.  I still have so many girls to introduce in my "meet my blythes" series I started.  This has been a fairly busy summer for me.  As I've posted in an earlier post, I'm currently unemployed and I've been trying to make the most of this summer since I have the time off.  I hope to find a job soon, so I know this "Summer of Rachel" will eventually be coming to an end, but I've enjoyed every minute of it so far. 

Last week I went to Williamsburg, VA and spent the entire week at my brother's house.  My parents were there visiting for the week also, so it was a great family get together.  My fiance and I are season pass holders at Busch Gardens and Water Country USA.  Since my fiance had to work and couldn't come with me last week, my parents had their own stuff they were doing on certain days, and my brother and his wife had to work, I was stuck being alone with nothing to do, so I decided to visit Busch Gardens by myself.  I know some people might gasp or cringe at the idea of going to an amusement park alone and to be perfectly honest, I was wondering how I'd enjoy it.  But the honest truth is that I had a blast!  It didn't cost me anything to go, except for food when I got hungry.  I absolutely love Busch Gardens and I know the park like the back of my hand.  I got to ride everything I wanted when I wanted.  And I met several nice people that I talked with while I was waiting in line for a ride or when I was on a ride and sitting with others.  I ended up visiting the park five times last week, once with my parents (in which I still ended up riding alone because they don't ride roller coasters anymore) and the other four days by myself.  Now sure, it would have been way more fun having someone there to talk to, but I still had a lot of fun and yes, I'd definitely go back there by myself again if I had to.  I've always been an independent person and not afraid to do something alone if there is something I want to do.   

So, would you go to an amusement park alone?  I'm sure most people would say no way and think it is very strange for someone to go alone.  What do you think?  :) 

I had a good time last week, not only at Busch Gardens, but spending time with my family.  I got to ride a ferry for the first time, mom and I spent a day at Virginia Beach, and we got to go out on a friend's boat on the Chickahominy and James rivers (this was the first time my parents have ever been on a big, fast boat).  It was such a fun week.  I also visited Kings Dominion on Sunday before driving home.  I met some friends up there and we spent the day.  I'll be honest, Kings Dominion is not as fun as Busch Gardens, but I had a good time with my friends.  I do not plan on going back to Kings Dominion any time soon though. 

I hope to get back to "playing" with my blythes soon.  Poor girls are feeling a bit neglected....shame on me.  LOL!

Here are a few photos of the fun week I had.

Me on the boat.

Mom and I at Virgina Beach.

Mom, Dad, and I waiting for a show to start at Busch Gardens.

My favorite roller coaster, Apollo's Chariot!

The Griffon roller coaster....yes, that is a 90 degree, straight down drop!

The newest coaster, Verbolten.

A tangled web of coasters.  The yellow one is the LochNess Monster.  The Griffon and the Alpengeist is also visable.

The Alpengeist is the coaster on the right....the left is the Griffon.

My friend Linda and I at Kings Dominion.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Chloe Simone

I am continuing with the "meet my blythes" series.

Chloe Simone

Hello, my name is Chloe Simone.  I am a Disco Boogie Blythe.  I am a very sweet girl with lots of curls in my hair.  I love to dance to all kinds of music, especially if it has good rhythm.  I'm a very happy-go-lucky kind of girl.  I love animals, but little bunnies are my absolute favorite!  There's just something about their big ears and their soft fur.  My favorite color is blue.  I enjoy being outside and I like going on picnics.  I'm not much on hiking like some of my sisters are.  I prefer to go on a nice walk in a park or a garden. 

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


I'm continuing with the "introducing my blythes" posts. 


Hello, my name is Taffy.  I'm a colorful girl with a colorful personality.  Obviously purple is my favorite color, but I also like pink.  Spring is my favorite season because everything is just blooming with color.   I love walking outside looking at all the pretty flowers and trees that are in bloom this time of year.  Easter is my favorite holiday because it is a day to wear pretty dresses and hunt colorful eggs, plus let's not forget what the true meaning of the day is!  My best friends are Vera Rose and Luna Sapphire because like me, they have very colorful hair.  We look like a rainbow when we are together.  Here is a photo of me and my best friends.
I need a middle name so if anyone has any suggestions, please let me know!!! 


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Harmony Joy

I am continuing with the "Meet My Girls" posts where I introduce my blythe girls. 

Harmony Joy

Hello, my name is Harmony Joy and I am a Bohemian Peace Blythe.  I love to play the guitar and the ukulele and I write my own songs.  I'm a hippy girl who loves nature.  I like to climb trees and lay in the cool grass.  I love flowers and ladybugs.  I prefer to go barefoot whenever possible.  I believe this world would be such a better place if we would all just love one another.  Peace, love, & happiness!